Established in 1787, Rutherfordton is among the oldest towns in western North Carolina and is the seat of the oldest continuous government in the region. Steeped in history since the Revolutionary War, this Town has managed to keep its “old time” charm while progressing into the 21st century. From the cluster of antebellum houses in the historic district at the north end of Town to the Foothills Connect Technology Center on the south end, this Town spans centuries.
Downtown Rutherfordton is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as a historic district and is a beautiful representation of rural western North Carolina small towns. Situated on ridges, its elevations offer great views of the Blue Ridge Mountains and its location in the Isothermal Belt means mild weather and outstanding beauty in four distinct seasons.
Their website covers some of the most requested topics and information about the Town. The objective is to provide accurate, relevant, and up-to-date information of public interest in a convenient format. For more information about Rutherfordton check out their website at http://www.rutherfordton.net
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