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We provide free counseling and encouragement to our local community at the Solitude Place office in Forest City, NC. Through the internet, we are able to minister to those outside our state or country. We also have use of an apartment in Rutherfordton, North Carolina, where God’s servants can come for a sabbatical, physical rest, and/or encouragement at no cost to themselves.

Laurie and I have been counseling and encouraging folks together for over 40 years in ministry. In addition, we utilize homes and/or guest quarters that our ministry partners own in different states to accommodate leaders.

Our ultimate vision for Solitude Place is to be a retreat center where pastors, chaplains, missionaries, ministry leaders, and Christian business owners can come for respite, counseling, and encouragement, at no cost.

We all know a hiker stops along the way to rest so he can continue along his journey feeling refreshed to complete his trek. These homes provide a place for the weary to stop.

However; many ministry leaders fail to stop and spend time with their families and Lord. In fact, research shows that some of the biggest reasons that pastors burnout in ministry is due to the lack of vacation/sabbatical rest, little or no physical exercise, no effective way to deal with critics, lack of daily time in the Scriptures, poor relational/leadership skills, neglect of family, loneliness while leading, and the inability to say no to requests.

We provide a place where folks can come to REST, be REFRESHED, and RECONNECT in those relationships! You can help by praying, and/or by becoming a monthly financial partner and sharing the ministry of Solitude Place with your friends.

If you would like more information about Solitude Place, please contact Pastor Randy Southwick at